How Self Sufficient are Your Kids?

After a discussion with some other moms awhile back, I wondered how self sufficient other children were. While I let my kids try a variety of things on their own from making their own cereal to making eggs for the entire family just to name a couple, I found that other moms decided it wasn’t worth the risk of having to clean up a huge mess after the task was complete.

It is just easier for me to do it in the first place then to clean up their mess later seemed to be a common sentiment. This stance is similar to my husband’s warning, when I allowed our 8 year old son to make eggs,  “You know you will have a big mess to clean up when he is done.”

Guess what? Now, he can cook eggs for the entire family. His college roommates will love this skill someday.

For my kids, sometimes it is about self survival. Sometimes they get early in the morning and want their cereal before I’m out of bed. So they climb up the cabinets to get their bowl. Open the fridge to get their milk. Oops, a little milk spill. Usually, they will have the mess cleaned up with Mr. Swiffer before I even know what has happened.

How did they learn to use Mr. Swiffer? Well, probably from me allowing them to try it out. Again, I may have had to redo their original work but they are learning.

Okay, so I may have to clean up some milk spills. Yes, it may have been quicker for me to just do it for him than clean up the mess afterwads. But what are we teaching our kids if we don’t allow them to make minor accidents or spills?

Wordless Wednesday 8/5


Blogher & Finally a Blissdom Recap

Yes, I found this post in my unpublished posts. I never finished my Blissdom recap and mainly because I was afraid I was going to leave someone or something out – which I am sure will still happen! I thought it was a fitting post since I’m about to head off to the mother of all conference – BlogHer 2009 in Chicago, IL.

Blissdom was my first ever blogging conference. It was also my first, yes, my first time to ever travel completely by myself. Never in my thirty years have I ever went on a trip by myself. Even though, I missed my family, it was a wonderful experience. Though, I was a little star struck by some of the awesome bloggers who were there.

Andrea & Briana

First, I want to thank Andrea aka mommysnacks for asking me if I was going to Blissdom. She made it all possible. If she wouldn’t have asked me if I was going on twitter, I don’t think I would have even looked into it. She is was my twitter profile pic twin. Even my kids were getting confused by the pics. In “real life”, she is much taller than me as you can see.

Briana and Sarah

Briana and Sarah

Second, I want to thank Julie (Cool Mom Guide). If it weren’t for her, I would have been in my room all alone. She helped break me out of my shell with her spunk! I had many good laughs with her and Sarah (Real Life Blog)- can’t wait to meet again. Another great roomie was Carrie. We had a blast twittering back and forth while in the same room together! I also was able to meet Renée (Cutie Booty Cakes) – another fabulous blogger.

Briana & Emily (one of the funniest, sweetest bloggers!)

Briana & Emily (one of the funniest, sweetest bloggers!)

A Shout out to the #indy bloggers at Blissdom – Sarah & Mary Ellen (Mom Marbles), Emily, and Casey. I didn’t get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked but I have had the opportunity since Blissdom to hang out at some local blogging events.

Bargain Briana and Brandy from Savin Some

Bargain Briana and Brandy from Savin Some

I was able to meet some of the blogging superstars like Erin, Tara, and Erin. I also was able to hang out with Brandi, who is a real sweetie and was brave enough to bring her family. I met Becky, Nickels and Dimes, who was just a ball of energy – I wish I would have found her before the last day.

Marcy, Erin, and Erin

Marcy, Erin, and Erin

I met countless Ohio Bloggers – like Marcy, Jenny, Emily, Carrie, Courtney, Trisha,  as well as Andrea, Erin, and Tara who have been kind enough to adopt me as one of their own – otherwise known as the “token Indiana Blogger!” Those connections that started out as internet friends have blossomed over the months into real friendships and I’m totally jealous they all live so close together.

By the end of the two day conference, I was worn out from all the socializing, learning, and just plain fun or just oblivious. Oh, and I can’t forget about the wonderful swag bag – which included a Land’s End Bag, Crocs gift certificate, music, and Little Debbie Snacks!

The Swag

So while I’m ready to take on Blogher 2009 in Chicago, I know that I will be worn out and a walking zombie after three days with so many more bloggers to meet and parties to attend and much, much, more swag!

Wordless Wednesday 7/22: Summer Water Fun at Wilderness Resort Edition

006Last July, we visited the Wilderness Resort in the Wisconsin Dells with another family.  The kids have been begging to go back ever since.

Although, we had a little check in issue at the resort – one of those we can not guarantee things but they told us they did on the phone – we still had a ton of fun!

Eli went on a few of the big slides and as we were going down one of them he yelled out “Ride ’em Cowboy.” It was adorable.

Sofia did not start having fun until the last day when we found a really fun baby area. We couldn’t keep up with her on the slide! She would go up and then down so quickly a few times we missed her and she went under before we could catch her. It didn’t stop her from going up and down over and over again.

There are so many water rides for all ages. Their was many rides for the older kids to go on. I don’t think I heard anyone say “I’m bored” all weekend.

At night after dinner, we would head to the giant play house in the Wild West. The older kids played laser tag as a treat!

Here’s a few pictures from our family fun:











I’ve never made any kind of official list about things I’d like to accomplish/do in life. I hear myself often say, I would love to do that or it is on my “list” without really having a list.

So, after reading Just Heather’s 40×40 list, I’ve been inspired to write my own official list. Since I’m going to be 30 forever, I should have plenty of time to complete this list.

  1. {Completed} Visit New York City.
  2. Go on a girl’s only weekend.
  3. Visit the Grand Canyon.
  4. Plant more trees.
  5. {Completed} Take my kids to Disney World and see their eyes light up with the magic.
  6. Go to a Britney Spears concert.
  7. Take the kids to the Indianapolis Children’s Museum again.
  8. Organize my photos digitally and real photos.
  9. Take a road trip with the family.
  10. Meet Peyton and/or Eli Manning.
  11. {Completed} Travel with a purpose like I did in 2008. (Preferably to Columbia or Africa.)
  12. Visit Texas.
  13. Take a tour of the White House.
  14. Go blonde.
  15. Renovate my kitchen into my dream kitchen.
  16. Take the family to the Wilderness Lodge in Wisconsin Dells again.
  17. Go to the Superbowl.
  18. Be a work at home mom with a flexible schedule.
  19. Take my kids to the Indianapolis Zoo again.
  20. Take my kids to Christmas at the Zoo again.
  21. Get to a healthy weight.
  22. Run a 5K.
  23. {Completed} Get my upper lip hair lasered.
  24. Try golf for at least 18 holes.
  25. Take and pass the CPA exam. (Even though I have no intention of being a CPA!)
  26. Teach a coupon class to share my couponing skills with others.
  27. Visit Maine.
  28. See the Statue of Liberty.
  29. Visit a live taping of the Oprah show.
  30. Go camping.
  31. Visit Machu Picchu.
  32. {Completed} Hike to the top of volcano. (Okay, so I rode a horse half way up, does that count?)
  33. Learn to speak Spanish conversationally.
  34. Ride a camel in the desert.
  35. Make my own jam.
  36. Ski in Colorado or Utah.
  37. Ride my bike on the Monon Trail.
  38. Write a sitcom script. (I already have a great cast of characters.)
  39. Vacation in Hawaii.
  40. Visit a Hot Air Ballon Festival.

Extra Credit (Basically, things that I should have thought of to put on the list but missed somehow!):

  1. Laser Tag

Wordless Wednesday 6/17



Plumbing Humor: Turd Whisperer

Time for a little break for plumbing humor! There is always something  funny going on around here. Plumbers, really, who are more hilarious than them?

The other day my aunt sent me a texted message:

I am behind a plumbing van. Above the doors it says “Turd Whisperer!” LOL

Hilarious. The most hilarious part is this is part of his advertising campaign. It is pretty funny but I don’t know if I would want that on my work vehicle. Sounds like something more acceptable for a facebook or twitter profile.  Not something we’d be putting on business cards, ya know. Some people just aren’t going to be getting that humor.

Then again, maybe it is brilliant. With all the plumbing companies out there, you aren’t going to forget about the turd whisperer. Next thought, you’ve kind of pigeon-holed yourself into only doing toilet work. What if you are really good at unclogging hairy drains too?

Which got me thinking about another campaign from a popular movie.

There is something strange in your toilet bowl. Who ya goin’ call? The Turd Busters.

It is yet to be determined if my aunt is in Indiana or in Florida right now. So if you live in one of those states be on the lookout for the “Turd Whisperer.”

Heather sent me a tweet stating there is a plumbing business in her area that advertises “We’re #1 in the #2 business!” More proof that plumbers have the best sense of humor about their chosen career path.

Gear Shift and Window Wipes are not to be confused.

I have to admit something in this post. I left my 10 year old and 8 year old in the van while I dropped the younger two children off at daycare. I know lock me up now! Mind you, the daycare is attached to a church in a very safe neighbor with no drive through traffic. It is a secure spot behind the church with only one entrance/exit.

While I was walking out of daycare, this older gentleman, who I have never seen before, stops me and asks if I am the owner of the silver mini-van. Uh, yeah, I am. What did my kids do? In my mind, I’m thinking he was mooned, someone stuck his tongue out at him, the two kids were fighting to the death in the back seat….

The story went in a direction that I did not expect. He claims my son was in the front seat trying to move the gears. He went on and on about how dangerous it was, blah, blah… I thanks him for the information but I knew it didn’t sound right. While Peyton may be ornery, he would not try to drive off in my car, right?

As soon as I got into the car, the both kids started telling me about how this weird man tried to get in the car and told them not to mess with the shifter. Come to find out my son was turning on the window wipers which are to the right side of the steering wheel where a gear shift is sometimes located. In my Honda van, however, the gear shift is closer to the radio panel than to the steering wheel. Since it was raining and both kid’s stories matched up, it made complete sense.

So in fact, in an effort to be “safety” conscious, this man freaked my kids out by trying to get in the car and talk to them when he was a stranger to them. I know he was probably harmless but they didn’t know that.

I don’t really know what the point of this story is besides the old man probably went around telling everyone he knew about an untrue story about a kid trying to move the gear shifter while the mom wasn’t in the car….the things that irritate me…

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