Not Ready for the World to Read?

“I have a blog but I’m not ready for it to be public.”

Oh, the shame, the horror. You could hear the gasps in the air.

To say that phrase at a blogging conference. Who would dare say such a thing? Blasphemy at a blogging conference.

Understandably, it was one of the people working to organize the conference. They weren’t there primarily as a blogger.

Of course, upon meeting anyone at a blogging conference, you want to know what their blog is. She said she had a personal blog but wasn’t ready for people to read it yet.

I completely relate.

Even though, I have another blog, which gets thousands of hits every day, I’m not ready for the world to read my personal blog. If someone stumbles upon it fine, but I’m not out there advertising it to the whole world.

First of all, why would anyone really care. Second of all, there are other sites that do the personal stuff much better.  Plus, will people still like me knowing all of this here?

I applaud those who do and can take the heat on their personal thoughts and life.

Even here in my personal space, I still feel I censor my thoughts and feelings. As a matter of fact, I have several “unpublished” posts ready to go when I’m ready. Will people still like me if I post all of my personal thoughts?

You know though. It’s okay. It is okay to have a blog and not want the whole world to read or have anyone read it.

When you are ready, you will know.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today. You may not believe this….it’s snowing again here. I think I’ve woken up in Alaska and I wanna go HOME! Spring can not get here soon enough. 🙂

    I’m ready to read whenever you’re ready to publish your posts. Sharing can be scary, can’t it?

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