Style by Sofia

Sofia, who is almost three years old, is starting to get extremely picky about her clothes.

You know the drill.

Mom picks out outfit.

Kid says I don’t want to wear that one. (Even though yesterday it was a favorite!)

Mom picks out another outfit.

Kid says I don’t like <insert outfit description>.

Until Mom finally gives up and say wear whatever you want to wear, it is not worth the hassle.

That’s the stage we are at right now. One day the argument was over socks. I kid you not, socks. She was upset because they weren’t pink and didn’t have bows on them. Let me tell ya, I haven’t intentionally raised her to like pink bows. Until recently, she was happy as could be wearing one of her brother’s shirts with dinosaursor a Colts jersey. I blame the other girls at daycare.

Now that we are getting picky. Is she a teenager already?

Sofia Approved Outfits

This outfit is brand spanking new colorful outfit from The Children’s Place. Of course, we bought it on sale and used a coupon. I knew she would love it because it has pink in it. In fact, she wanted to wear it today with a shirt that completely clashed.
This is a funny one. This one is actually suppose to be a dress but it is too short on her so it is a long sweater-shirt! Of course, she loves it because it is pink!

Another piece from Children’s Place past…bright and fun skirt! Again, it is pink so Sofia approved!


Dressed in all pink…with a little belly showing…


Past Mom Approved Outfits

Again, don’t try to blame the pink obsession on me…though, these are some cute pink outfits from her baby days…and most of the favorites are from one of our favorite stores for quality, inexpensive clothes…(Guess which store?)


This one is one of my favorite pictures…outfit is all Children’s Place circa 2007. This was a favorite outfit too because her older sister had a matching outfit. That is one of the reasons I have loved shopping at Children Place because you can get similar outfits in all sizes. Great for matching siblings for family pictures, holidays, or just F-U-N.


Another fun outfit from Children’s Place. Love this one because the green brings out her eyes!


See I didn’t always dress her in pink. Some green got thrown in the mix too. Another Children’s Place shirt circa 2007.

More green. Okay, I get it. I like green. She likes pink.


Does your child have their own style?

This post was written for a contest at to win Children’s Place Gift Certificate. I have received nothing for posting this but I do want to win the most creative or most commented post!

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