Goals for 2010

I hate to write these things down because I’m afraid I will set myself up to fail. But really, I need to be held accountable. I’ve written about some of my money saving/bargain goals at Bargain Briana. These goals are more personal.

  1. Eat healthier, thus lose these pesky 30 lbs. Since I started my meatless diet last year, I’ve gained weight. Probably because I’m not eating healthy and getting my calories from unhealthy sources like French Fries, Onion Rings, those 450 calorie BK Veggie Burgers. Yes, there is such a thing as an overweight vegetarian. I’m trying though. Solution: Use a FREE program called Spark People to help track my daily calories. There is even a FREE iPhone app, which I’m now addicted too.
  2. Exercise on a regular basis. When I was fit & trim, I was running 3-5 miles several times a week. I need to get back to that. Somehow, I got lazy over the winter, too many excuses, etc. You know the story. Solution: I’m loading new music on my iPhone and using the Nike + iPod app system to track my walking/running. I have to start back at a brisk walk as I’m VERY out of shape. For more toning and lighter exercise, I will play with the Wii Fit Plus. Which, somehow has me at my high school weight and being 119 lbs. Uh, yeah, in my dreams.
  3. Work on my 40×40 plan. I really want to cross some of those things off my list!
  4. Organize myself and my life. I feel if  I can get to that place where I’m organized, then #4 will fall into place. Some of the things I’ve been doing with this is making lists, deeply organizing a room every couple of days, and cleaning as I see things messed up.
  5. Balance blog time and family time better.
  6. Work on that bitchiness I have in me. Think before I snap. Oh, sometimes that is hard since some people deserve it so much!

Sometimes it is so hard to accomplish my goals. I don’t like starting projects unless I know I have time to finish them. But that’s just an excuse. I can sneak 5-10 minutes here and there to finish those projects and in the end those 5-10 minutes will add up.

Same with exercise. My excuse has been I don’t have 30 minutes every day. Okay, maybe I don’t have 30 minutes but isn’t 10-15 minutes better than NOTHING at all. Even 10 minutes will keep my in a routine. So even if I don’t have time to do it “perfect” I’m going to still try to meet these goals.

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