Hi, Uncle Billie

It has been several months but the pain is still there. The questions from the kids are still there. The sadness is still there. It’s a little farther under the surface but it is still there every day.

Often, Eli is the one who mentions randomly how much he misses Uncle Billie and wishes he didn’t die.  Sofia said that Uncle Billie is the one who always protected her from my parent’s dogs. He would chuckle at her absurd fear as he held her up far away from the slobbering dogs. He was a huge part of their lives.

Sometimes I forget where I’m at and drive by his grave site.  The first time I did Eli rolled down his window and yelled “Hi, Uncle Billie,” out the window. Sofia, of course, chimed in. It wasn’t their usually rowdiness but more of a stoic “Hi.”

Of course, this made me bawl. If I didn’t cry anymore, I would wonder what was wrong with me!

This irony in this is my brother (Uncle Billie) would often drive by our Grandpa Bill’s grave, also his namesake, and honk and yell “Hi, Grandpa.”


All the Kids Are in School!


It’s that time of year…back to school time! It’s time for parents to breathe a sign of relief or cry. Whatever suits you best!


Of course, the day would NOT be complete without a little friendly teasing from your older brothers…which caused this…



Which I was able to turn into this…


They didn’t even look back…




And I Only Need a Brain.

(This post was written in early 2010, I just found it in my drafts to be posted!)

It is taking everything I can NOT to go completely ballistic about something that happened at my daughter’s school.


H:  What do we need for class?

Teacher: Your Brain.

H:  Okay, I’ve got that.

Apparently this is a normal question she asks the class. Okay, fine, I mean a brain is important to “bring” with you.

Teacher: Apparently, you left it at home yesterday.

H: What?

At this point she was  probably bawling.

At this point of the story, I was raving mad. Hannah tells me, “It gets worse mom.”

So I listen as I was cursing inside. Even now as I’m writing this my face is hot and I’m angry.

Here’s what happened.

The previous day, the class was in the computer lab working on their poems. The teacher didn’t have time to get around and check everyone’s before printing so she told the kids who hadn’t printed their poems out to leave their station open and she would get it after class.

Hannah leaves computer lab and goes on to the next class.  Thinking nothing of it. The teacher told them to leave it logged in.

Next day, the teacher confronts Hannah after giving her the “brain” one liner. Says she wrote all this nasty stuff on her own paper?


Yeah, you would have had to leave your brain at home to write nasty stuff about your fat butt and ewwwyyyy on YOUR.OWN.PAPER.

Come’on, it doesn’t take a brain to figure she didn’t do it. Luckily, the principal agreed with me and the person who was really responsible was punished.

Moral of the Story:

NEVER leave your computer station open at school even when the teacher tells you to.

Summer Relaxing…

IMG_0800, originally uploaded by bargainbri.

My personal blog is taking a short break and we are just chilling out!

Wordless Wednesday: {Eli Love His Vest}



Wordless Wednesday: Little Girl Growing Up

To think at one time she was my baby girl.

She is growing up. Beautifully. Okay, so I couldn’t go completely wordless.


Wordless Wednesday: Girly Girl?




This is the same girl who farts, burps, and throws a mean punch?

Wordless Wednesday: Eli Goofing

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